Monday 6 February 2012

First day of school =]

     I was so excited to finally start school!!  But, before I talk about today let me back up to yesterday.  Clyde is the man who drove us to church, and he will drive us to church unless he is travelling.  He is actually on the High Council, so he travels a lot.  While he was driving us we were talking about how Grandpa was a Mission President there and he actually said that he had heard Grandpa's name mentioned quite often.  I was also given a calling tomorrow, but I will post it when I am actually sustained.  I was told that they are considering a few for Tyler so his is probably coming pretty soon.  After church I tried to take a nap, but it was so hot that I couldn't fall asleep.  This wouldn't have been a big deal except for the fact that it was the Super Bowl and I had to stay up late anyways.  I was a little disappointed that we weren't able to do the whole Super Bowl party thing that I am used to, but it was what it was.  I asked Tyler what he wanted me to make him and all he said he wanted were potato skins.
     As much fun as it sounds to stay up super late in order to watch the Super Bowl without the funny commercials, I passed out shortly after the Giant's first touchdown.  Needless to say, both Tyler and I were very very tired when we woke up to go to our first class today.  I was not a happy camper waking up because I wasn't looking forward to going to my first class (which is like 7 hours long) being a little cranky.  Fortunately, as soon as we got there being sleepy was the last thing on my mind.
     I was wrong about the school being in a township.  The school is actually not really that close to a township at all.  The children who go to the school are from poor areas, but they are from the farms.  Our professor's name is Grant and he is AWESOME!!  The people who are in the class are also really nice.  I believe there are 24 people in the class and only 3 boys.  I know that sounds like a huge difference, and it is, but it was convenient because there is a class that Grant wanted a guy group for and there are 3 people in each group.  We divided into groups based on what age we wanted to work with.  I am with the seniors, so they are ages 14 and 15.  I am with an American girl who goes to school at Georgetown and a German girl.  Grant is really cool, so while the kids were having recess we were able to go out and mingle with them.  These kids are so funny!  First of all, they all look at us like we are this big deal which is always fun.  And they also ask you a TON of question and they are normally pretty random.  For example, I was asked what my mom and my dad's first names were.  I was asked if I wanted any kids.  I was asked how many kids I wanted.  When I told them I was married they all shouted "YOOOO!!"  Yo apparently is the same thing as saying "Yay" or "Wow".  I got like 4 Yooo's just by telling them I got married.  The younger kids just wanted us to play with them.  One little girl was wanting to swing on this wooden board, but some of the other girls weren't able to pick her up, so she asked me.  Big mistake.  I picked her up once and that became my job for the next 10 minutes until one of the older girls "stole" me back.  I get to take pictures at the school, but I am not able to post them on the Internet.  Sorry!
     I was still very tired when we got home, so I didn't go to the rugby game, but Tyler did!  He is going to write a bit about it. =]
     The Rugby game was an interesting experience. It was very loud and everybody was making constant noises. During sporting events in the U.S. there are songs played during time outs and other slow parts of the game. Here music is played all throughout the game. The crowd got the loudest when YMCA and Living on a Prayer was being played. American music is very popular here and everybody knows the lyrics. Even though I did not know what in the world was going on during the game it was still a fun experience. They won the game 44-2 so it wasn't even close. They play again in two weeks and from now and two weeks we are going to have to read some rugby rules and watch some clips to better understand whats going on. Or at least watch Invcitus....
     Side note, I have actually seen Invictus and it's AWESOME!  I encourage everyone to watch it at some point in their lives even if they aren't a sports fan.  The movie isn't just a sports movie because it has a lot of the political issues going on at the time in it.  For some reason the Internet is super slow and it's not letting me resize the pictures, so I will have to post them tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. First - I'm actually happy that you aren't teaching right in the Townships and second, those are the funniest looking potato skins I've ever seen! I'm sure they tasted good like all the other food you cook. And...hopefully the German girl speaks English :-)
    Look forward to your seeing your pictures.
    Love you!
