Sunday 12 February 2012

Family Day!

     I am calling today Family Day!  Roger and Sheila were in South Africa and were so kind to pick us up and take us to lunch.  It was really weird seeing someone that we knew!  The lunch was delicious and we are so happy that they were able to do that.  Thank y'all!!!  We really appreciate it.  When we got back home, we skyped Anne until she had to get ready for church.  After we skyped Anne, we skyped my mom right after she got home from church.  We both really enjoyed spending the day with Roger and Sheila and then talking to our moms.  I think I got sustained today, so I can tell everyone that I am the YW Secretary.  The first week we were at church we met a family who had just moved from Washington State.  What are the odds that the next week she would be called to be the YW President and then specifically ask for me to be the Secretary?  I can't say that I am not excited though.  I am very excited to work with the YW here.  I have had so many wonderful YW teachers who have set a good example for me.  We still don't know what Tyler's calling will be, but I guess stay tuned for that!  That's about it for today.  We will be able to write about how our classes at Lynedoch go tomorrow.

Lunch with Family! =]

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