Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sunday and Monday.

     Sunday was pretty good.  I had to teach the YW lesson which was on being self-reliant.  I know that's important and all, but it was kinda a weird lesson to teach.  All the YW meet together for class because there aren't enough to really break up into Beehive, Mia Maid, and Laurel classes.  We have two sets of sisters who are very outspoken which makes lessons fun.  As y'all know we watched Carolina play (lose) Sunday night.  We also found out that somehow Julia has once again won the bracket we set up.  Unbelievable. 
     Monday was pretty fun.  We painting a room and painted desks and Lynedoch.  We split up into 2 groups in order to get the job done faster.  Tyler and I were in the wall painting group.  The room took a long time to paint.  By the time we finished I couldn't smell the paint anymore.  We just repainted it white which sounds boring, but is ok since the desks were painted dark green and something similar to a sea foam green.  After coming home we wrote in our journals and took a nap.  I have been tired so much recently for no reason, it's weird.  Tyler woke up to go to the rugby game.  We won 23-0.  Go Maties!  When he got home he brought the stuff to spray on the mold.  I think the mold is the reason I have been so tired because after he sprayed it, I woke up this morning feeling really awake and good.  We are now getting ready to go sand boarding.  I will post again about it when I get home along with the notes I took at Xhosa.  Hamba Kakuhle.

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