Friday 4 May 2012

Last Friday Class.

     Today was the last lesson on Fridays for us.  Next Friday we are just doing feel good stuff and looking at the room we are going to be showing our documentary in.  But, before I get to what happened to class I have to tell you what a girl in our class told us before we started.  There is only one girl in the class who doesn't have a facebook.  Her name is Mona Lisa and she is from Austria.  She is really funny to begin with because she really struggles with English, so she takes a while to get things and when she gets them she makes this really funny face.  She was talking about how she decided to make a facebook the other day.  When she was creating it, the program stopped her and told her that she couldn't use the name "Mona Lisa" because they don't want people to use nicknames.  It said that if it was your pet, then you could say Mona Lisa, but if not then you have to send a picture of your passport.  It may not sound very funny on here, but it was really funny when she was saying it.
     We had to talk in class about how we feel about leaving and it was a little weird because now I have just a little over a month left.  I am pretty excited to come home, but I am going to miss my kids a lot.  Other than my kids and Vanessa, I am ok with leaving. =]  
     So today in class we found out that we got to leave at 1pm because Maureen and the program she is in has a planned weekend activity, so Grant let us all out at 1.  After he told us this he started talking about the grade 6 boys and how they have benefited from good male influences from Tyler and his group.  He then said something really weird and I am going to try to remember exactly what he said.  He said, "The grade 6 boys have been able to marinate in your juices."  Super awkward wording right?  I know he meant that the boys good influence was rubbing off on them, but it was pretty funny that he chose "marinate in your juices" instead.  
     When we were getting ready for our presentation, the kids came in to sing Happy Birthday to Corie and I (her birthday was the 30th).  They were really cute and Tyler totally gave it away.  He came up and asked for my camera which never happens because he next to never takes pictures.  I asked him if he told Grant to get the kids and he was like, "No I just want to look at the pictures".  I would like to thank Anne and Barry for raising a son who is such a terrible liar.  I will never have to worry about him lying to my face because he is almost incapable of doing so.  =]
     Our presentation actually went really good.  We had to talk about the planning process for a community development worker (CDW) and so we decided to turn it into an activity.  The main reason we decided on the activity was because we nearly fell asleep reading the stupid chapter, so I can't even imagine how boring it would be just to talk about it.  We divided the class into 3 groups and asked them to plan a Carnival.  One group had a good CDW, one had a controlling CDW, and the other had no or a lazy CDW.  We gave them different challenges throughout their planning time which made things even more difficult for the last two groups.  The last two groups also had to use the Synoptic Planning Approach which is super strict and isn't flexible at all (obviously the wrong planning method to use for community development) and the first group got to use a flexible planning approach.  It went pretty much as we planned for it to go, so I consider it a success.
     I just realized that other than the personal letters I am writing to my kids and my journal on Monday I don't have anymore paper assignments.  I feel like I can just relax for the last two weeks of school which is a huge blessing.  I think Tyler would agree except he has his big final for financial management that he has to worry about, but I know he will do great on it.  
     I have decided to make a South Africa binder when I get home because I have a lot of papers that the kids have worked on that I want to keep, but I obviously can't put them in the photobook I am making.  Other than that today has been pretty slow.  I came home and took a nap while Tyler went out and got pizza for us and now we are just hanging out until I finish so we can watch a movie.  That's about it for today.  Hamba Kakuhle.

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