Thursday 31 May 2012

Garden Route-Plettenberg Bay and Knysna

     So, the second day was elephant and monkey day.  We had originally planned to just go to Knysna, but while we were at Jukani we were told that the one at Plettenberg Bay was better.  They were both really nice places, but I don't know if one was better than the other.  They are just very different.  We decided to ride the elephants at Plettenberg and feed them and stuff at Knysna.
     The first place we went was The Elephant Sanctuary in Plettenberg Bay.  We rode the Elephants there.  We only rode them for like 7 minutes or so which was fine because the spine is very pronounced and it was paining my butt because I was not centered completely on the elephant.  
     After we rode the elephants we went just down the road to Monkeyland.  We hadn't originally planned to go there, but once we found out it was so close we decided that it would be fun.
This lemur was imprinting on the stick.  They have scent glands on their hands and they scratch the stick and put their scent in it.
Our guy said this monkey was the trouble maker.
This is how lemurs get warm.
This monkey was super funny.  He kept trying to reach into the guides pocket because it thought he had food in his pocket.
     After the monkeys it was Knysna time.  We were able to touch and feed the elephants which was cool.
     I can't exactly remember where we ate or anything that day, but I am sure it was good.  We slept in this really nice cabin like thing.  Tyler's thoughts: "Riding the elephants was a neat experience. While I was riding my elephant it took a potty break. Whilst peeing it sounded like a fire hydrant had burst. Being able to touch, feeed and get so close to the elephants was awesome." 

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