Friday 18 May 2012

Celebration of Work

     Sooo, today was the Celebration of work and our Documentary was awesome!!  It was really good and a little sad.  The food was awesome and it was a good way to say goodbye to the faculty who helped us have this experience.  I have pictures to show though!
Most of the teachers got something nice for their students and the students got something nice for them.  This is an example of what the Grade 2 student teachers got their teacher.  Mr. Williams was the only teacher who didn't get the students anything, but our kids got us presents.  It was just a bag of candy, but for these kids it was a lot.  We were nice and got Mr. Williams a big box of cookies, but nothing special because he was mean to us.  Tyler got a tie and gave chocolate and a picture/picture frame.
This is the other NC girl!!  She is from App. State and she actually graduated so Grant played a song for her.  It was kinda awkward, but it was sweet of him.
The South African teachers sang us their national anthem.
This was weird for me because they wanted us to sit down while they sang it and I wanted to stand up out of respect, but I did what they wanted.  Their national anthem is really beautiful.  If you haven't heard it then you should look it up!
This is Grant's Mom-the one who made us so many delicious meals twice a week.  We pitched in and got her an apron with our picture on it to thank her.
Grade 8 Teachers!!  Me, Vanessa, and Maureen.
This is Grant-the head honcho guy for LSCE.
Tyler and I obviously =]
     It's cold and I really wish I could run and grab some Panera, but I can't.  This means school is over!  Monday we are eating out with Jonas and Vanessa and then next Friday we start the Garden Route!  Hamba Kakuhle.

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