Thursday 17 May 2012

Done Son!

     We are finally done with all of our school work!!!  Well, I am at least.  I am waiting for Tyler to come back from his exam and then he will be done too.  I haven't seen him hardly at all today.  He has been in the library all day.  It's only quarter after 4 over here, but I feel like today has just been a really long day.  I had my written exam today-I am pretty sure I did decent on it.  I know I passed the class, so I am fine with whatever the test says.  After my exam I went to one of the computer labs to print out all my stuff for the Portfolio of Evidence.  Printing here is a pain in the butt.  I messed up like 4 times because it's so weird.  I can't wait to get home and be able to just print things at home.  Even though this was a pain in the butt it was so worth it when I finished.  I also printed out all the letters to the students for Grade 8, folded them up, and signed them all.  
     I met Tyler for lunch at the Neelsie after I did all the printing.  I had the lasagna!!  It's so good!!  It doesn't look or taste like lasagna, but that's what they call it.  It's awesome.  While I was waiting for the lasagna place to bring our the lasagna I started putting all my papers in my folder thing.  I finished putting together my Portfolio of evidence after lunch in the library with Tyler.  I met Vanessa after the library to get a present for Mr. Williams (we only got him cookies because of obvious reasons) and to have her sign the letters.  Maureen will have to sign them tomorrow.  She had to go to class at 2 (which is when Tyler started his exam), so I walked home.  
Portfolio of Evidence!
I don't know why this picture rotated like this, but oh well.  I literally had to put everything I did in here.  This is the cover to my Organizational Profile.
100 pages long
This is what one of our letters to the kids looks like.
      I was almost home when this woman and this young boy pulled me aside and handed me a note saying that they are poor and want money/clothes/food/whatever you want to give them and it was really awkward for them to just stare at me while I read it.  I had a bottle of water, so I gave it to her, but other than that I told her I didn't have anything.  Grant tells us about a woman who is with a child who does this same thing around the Sparr area (near where we live) who has been doing this since he was in college and she always had a young child.  I told her that there was a soup kitchen near there to get some food if she needed it at the moment, but I didn't know if it was the woman Grant was talking about or not.  So, I am just waiting for Tyler to get home and watching Dr. Oz which is one of my new favorite shows.
     Well, I guess Tyler went straight to his meeting.  I will post about how he felt about his test tomorrow with my Celebration of Work post.  Hamba Kakuhle.

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