Tuesday 17 April 2012


We learned some happy words in Xhosa today!

Ndidlamkile- I am energized.
Ndinovuyo- I have joy
Sinovuyo- We have joy
Ndonwabile- I am happy
Sonwabile- We are happy
*To make things plural replace the Nd with S*
Ndinebhongo ngawe- I am proud of you/I have pride in you.
Ndinebhongo ngo             wam.- I am proud of my            .
Ndinovelwano- I have sympathy for you.
Ndiyakuthanda- I love you.
Siyakuthanda- We love you
Ndiyakuzonda- I hate you 
Ndiyakwa- I understand you.
Kodwa- but
Namhlanje ndilusizi kodwa izolo bendonwabile.- Today I am sad, but yesterday I was happy.
*the prefix "be" goes in front of feeling words to indicate that the feeling was in the past*
(I am not really sad today...just for the record)
Uhleka ntoni?- You laugh at what?
Uhlilela ntoni?- You cry at what?

Khanikhangele                                    Just look
ezi ntokana,                                        at the little birds
ziphaphazela                                       they fly
ngamaphikwana                                  with little wings
zithi tsiyoyo (say tsiyoyo twice)           they say chirp chirp
ngemilonyama                                     with little mouths

     Other than that we learned how to play gin today.  I think we are playing it right, but even if we aren't it's still pretty fun.  Tyler has finally found a game he can beat me at. ;]  Just kidding.  We skyped Julia for awhile and learned that Diesel has been a little bad recently.  She also told us Garrett started in a varsity lacrosse game.  Get it Gare Bear!!  That's about it for now.  Hamba Kakuhle.

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