Tuesday 24 April 2012

Drinky Drinks

     We learned about drinks in Xhosa and how to order them and at restaurant.  Not super exciting, but it is what it is. =]

-sela= drink (the verb)
-Usela ntoni?= You drink what?
-Ndisela amanzi= I drink water.
-Usele ntoni ekuseni?= What did you drink in the morning?
-Ndisele ubisi.= I drank milk.
- ijusi= juice.
-Ndicela= I ask for....[This is the polite way to ask for something; it is their version of please]
-Ndifuna= I want....[This is seen more of a command than Ndicela]
-Ndicela iti emnyama.= I ask for my tea (iti) black (emnyama).  [This means they want their tea without milk.  You can use the same wording when talking about ikofu (coffee).]
-Ndicela ikofu enobisi.= I ask for coffee with milk.
-Ndisela ubisi olubandayo.= I drink the milk that is cold. [A lot of the people here drink warm milk.  I noticed it at the sleepover when a lot of the girls were taking glasses of milk to the microwave before they drank it.]
-olushushu= ....that is hot. [This is what you say when you want something hot instead of olubandayo (cold).]
-iwayini ebomvu= wine that is read
-iwayini emhlophe= whine that is white
-iglasi yewayini= glass of wine [ye means of]
-ibhotile= bottle
-Ndicela ibhotile yamanzi.= I ask for a bottle of water.
-ahlwahlwazayo= sparkling [First of all, this word is incredibly difficult to say.  the "hl" sound is like a "sh" sound in the back of your throat.  They got this word because the Xhosa people didn't know what sparkling water was, so they didn't have a word for it.  They solved this problem by naming it after the sound it makes when you open a bottle of sparkling water.]
-kanonkala= the water of the crab. [This pretty much means the water from the river or still water.  Traditionally in the tribe if you wanted water then you went to the river (where the crabs are) and got the water.]
-esweti= sweet [such as iwayini esweti (sweet wine).]
-edrayi= dry [such as iwayini edrayi (dry wine).  You can't use the literal Xhosa word for dry to describe a wine, because they will tell you that it's impossible for a liquid to be dry.]
-For beer, you would say "ye        " and put the specific type of beer in the blank. [ex- yebluemoon]
-Uthanda ukusela ntoni?= What would you like to drink?
-Ndithanda ukusela ijusi.= I would like to drink juice.

     Other than Xhosa we haven't really done a whole lot today.  We made mini pizzas, so there was nothing special for dinner.  Tyler and I were planning our after school trip down the Garden Route, but now he is studying for this massive test he has on Thursday.  Apparently there is some big soccer game on tonight that he is watching, but unfortunately I am not very into it so I have been napping.  Well, that's about it for today.  Hamba Kakuhle.

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