Monday 30 January 2012

One week from today...

     Today was a little boring.  I am sorry to have to write two boring blogs in a row, but that's the way it's gonna be.  The most exciting thing that happened today is that we got cell phones!  They are WAY old school, but it's ok because we got them both for $40 and that includes our call time.
     We had to go downtown in order to get it, but it wasn't a bad walk because it was so much cooler today!  It was about 73 degrees with cloud coverage and a breeze.  I have found out why the sun feels so much hotter here.  There is a girl next door who told me that the ozone layer is much thinner over Africa than it is over America.  She said that even when it's cool outside there are times she can feel it burning her skin.  While we were downtown we ate at the Indian place again.  There are some people here who have smaller personal space bubbles than I do.  We were sitting down eating when I man stood up behind me and literally had his butt against the top back of my chair.  It was a little awkward, even for me. 
     When we got home, we layed around for awhile and then Tyler went back out to get groceries.  I would have gone with him, but I think my body is finally starting to react to the different foods here.  I'm not really feeling well and am very grateful it wasn't super hot today, or I would have been a very unhappy camper.
     Now that orientation is over, we are going to have to find things to do on our own.  Tomorrow we will have our meeting with Hubba (she is in charge of all the exchange students), skype Julia and Diesel, and have a brai (this is what they call grilling).  We are going to try to go back to Cape Town on Wednesday, but other than that we have nothing going on the rest of this week.  A week from today we will finally start our classes.  I will go to classes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and Tyler will go to classes Monday, Thursday, and Friday.  It will be nice to get on a schedule since ours is so inconsistent right now.
     We met Hennie today.  Hennie is the man who owns the house.  His wife has been helping us with everything because he is out of town.  He is really nice and told us that we should be getting our countertop oven very soon.

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