Friday 27 January 2012

Moyo and good African food!

     Drivers here are TERRIBLE!!  At orientation they told us that from the middle of December to just recently in January 1,000 people died from car accidents and that they were excited because the number went down.  I saw today why it's so high.  On our way to Moyo we drove in a 12 seated van and as soon as we got on the main road he was going about 90mph. I was shocked and everyone drives like that!!  Anyways, Moyo was so much fun!!  The food was delicious!  I didn't realize they cooked with so much pumpkin.  They had sections for vegetables, meat, chicken, seafood, salads, roasts, and desserts.  The meat was so tender as was the chicken and seafood.  They served calamari and I was very nervous to eat it because I know that it can be extremely chewy if it's not cooked well.  I have also only had it fried, but when I tried it I was so excited.  It was so tender and so good.  I don't know what seasonings they cook with, but all their spice combinations and their sauces were very good.  The SPIER wine farm was so beautiful!!  I really wish my camera had a flash on it, but I found out it didn't as soon as I tried to take pictures in the dark.  Sorry!  There was an African woman painting faces and Tyler accidentally scratched his off, so there is only a picture of mine.

Tyler was nice enough to take this for me right after we got back.

     Dancing here is WAY different from dancing back home.  I did not see a single person grinding on other people.  Apparently dirty dancing is mainly an American problem.  Tyler and I were talking to a couple from Germany and they said that when they visited "The States" that it was one of the things that surprised them about us. 
     The Bishop emailed Tyler and told him that he knows a family who lives closer to us who may be able to take us to church, but if they can't that they would make sure we had a ride to get there.  I am pretty excited to see what the church is like here in South Africa.  I am also really excited about the Cape Town visit tomorrow!  We will leave at 9am and get home around 5:30pm.  I will for sure take a ton of pictures so everyone can see the city. 
     Sorry it's not very long today, but really all we did was go to Moyo so that's it. 


  1. Sounds crazy! Steven says, "THEY TOOK A TAXI?!?!?! NO!!!!! YOU DON'T TAKE TAXIS IN SOUTH AFRICA!!!!!" Haha. Glad you're safe and you enjoyed your mini trip :)

  2. He will be happy to know we didn't take a taxi...We went with our international department on big buses.
